The Pixel 6 will have its own ‘Whitechapel’ processor manufactured by Google, according to 9to5Google

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The Pixel 6 will have its own 'Whitechapel' processor manufactured by Google, according to 9to5Google

New leaks suggest that the Google Pixel 6, Google’s next flagship, will carry inside a new Google processor: the ‘GS101 Whitechapel’. The rumors about this name They have been ringing for a year, and it is that already in April 2020 there was information about a collaboration between Samsung and Google to create new processors five-nanometer geared toward Pixels and Chromebooks.

There are not too many details yet about Google’s move, which would undoubtedly be one of the most relevant in the mobile industry by 2021. A Pixel with its own hardware would be a historic change in Google’s family of phones and an even closer approach towards being able to have “the Android iPhone”.

Whitechapel, Google’s own processor

Google Pixel

9to5Google reports that the Google Pixel 6 will have a processor developed by Google and in collaboration with Samsung. The information comes, depending on the source, from internal documentation that has been accessed. Whitechapel will, according to this information, the name that the new processor (or processors) will have, mainly oriented to the Google Pixel and Chromebooks.

Google is looking to create its own ecosystem of processors for both computer and mobile phones, according to the source.

Google would thus seek to have its own ecosystem of chips for both mobile and computer, as Apple does in its iPhone and Mac. The specific model for the Pixel 6 would be the GS101 Whitechapel, with rumors that ‘GS’ is the abbreviation of ‘Google Silicon’. The processor would be developed in collaboration with Samsung, indicating the source that some of the components used in Exynos processors might share.

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According to 9to5Google, the Google Pixel 6 will be in charge of releasing this processorSo at the next Google event expected in the fall, we may not see Qualcomm’s presence. On the part of Google there is nothing confirmed, so we only have to wait to see if this processor is made or not.

Via | 9to5Google

The news

The Pixel 6 will have its own ‘Whitechapel’ processor manufactured by Google, according to 9to5Google

was originally published in

Engadget Android

Ricardo Aguilar


The Pixel 6 will have its own 'Whitechapel' processor manufactured by Google, according to 9to5Google 1

The Pixel 6 will have its own 'Whitechapel' processor manufactured by Google, according to 9to5Google 2