With each new Telegram update, the instant messaging platform takes a leap at some key point in the experience, such as the last one received: Telegram significantly improves user privacy, both for individual and group chats. Version 8.3 is now available.
There is no doubt that few messaging apps are putting as much effort into evolving as Telegram. In fact, we could say that is the one that puts the most intentions in this task: the developers do not stop including notable improvements in each version of the app; which usually happens once a month. So, since enough time had passed since the last update, played new app. And the changes are noticeable.
Delete all messages from a specific date
One of the most important changes recently introduced in Telegram is that of the bulk delete messages. That you did not have a good day and you want to delete everything you wrote during that date? Then Telegram 8.3 Now it lets you do it: go to the chat you want, choose the specific day and remove all traces you have left. Of course, at the moment it is only valid for private conversations, not for groups.
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Another important change related to privacy has to do, precisely with groups and channels. With Telegram 8.3 chat administrators can decide whether to protect content posted by their users. Once the protection is applied, no one can save the images, videos or audios that are uploaded to the chat, nor can they be shared. In addition, they will not be able to take screenshots or forward messages from the protected group or channel.
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The rest of the changes introduced in Telegram 8.3 are summarized in the following sections:
- Manage connected devices. Telegram incorporates a new button to link computers (with a QR, like WhatsApp) and an adjustment to unlink devices that have not been used for a certain time.
- Comment on behalf of the channel. Telegram allows publishing in groups and channels on behalf of the channel that is managed. Thus the comments appear anonymously and with reference to said channel.
- Login with latest phone numbers. Apart from the current startup options, Telegram offers to confirm the code by entering the last digits of the confirmation number that calls the phone.
- Confirmation in group entry requests. Telegram offers more information on the applications that are accepted to join the groups.
- Renewal of global issues. Telegram 8.3 updates Android global themes by offering a facelift on the eight themes: night and light mode, new animations and message bubbles with color gradients.
Apart from the important news, Telegram 8.3 for Android includes improvements in the stability and security of the application and the usual bug fixes. You can download this latest version from Google Play or going directly to the telegram download page.

- Developer: Telegram FZ-LLC
- Download it at: Google play
- Price: Free
- Category: Communication
More information | Telegram
The news
The latest Telegram update introduces notable changes in privacy: you can now download it
was originally published in
Engadget Android
by Iván Linares.