Little by little, Telegram is taking hold in countries like Spain, where if you doubt WhatsApp is the messaging application par excellence. For various reasons, more and more users in this and other countries install this application, and in part it is because of the number of functions it has.
Today Telegram has been updated with new functions related to search filters, with comments in channels or new animations for Android.
Telegram launches search filters
If you are one of those who use the application a lot for various tasks, you may go crazy looking. From now on we can filter the search results by type: Half, Links, Files Y Other
We can also search in a specific period of time, writing the day or words like Yesterday. Oh, and if we want to find something about a person, we only have to write their name, to filter by source.
Anonymous administrators
Another novelty is designed for groups of political movements that may be persecuted. We can assign an anonymous administrator to a group so that it is not linked with a username or photo.
The anonymous administrator will be hidden and his messages within the chat will appear signed with the name of the group.
Comments on channels
If you follow a channel that has a chat group, you can now write in the latter using the button that will appear in the first. To activate conversations on a channel that we control, we have to go to Channel settings> Talk.
New animations on Android
Android users will have new animations when changing from dark to daytime theme, open or close the keyboard or silence a group or chat. And emojis get better too, including new animated emojis, adding to the many they already had on Telegram.
The Telegram entry is updated improving the search, comments in channels and more appears first in The Free Android.