If you are trying to access your Telegram conversations, and you found that you cannot send or receive messages, you should know that it is not only happening to you: the instant messaging application suffers a global crash that particularly affects European users. Telegram is aware and is already solving connection problems.
All messaging platforms and services that use servers connected to the Internet, sooner or later suffer some problem that prevents their users from accessing these services normally. WhatsApp is a good example since from time to time it presents some errors. And today it’s Telegram’s turn: as confirmed by those responsible through Twitter, are aware of an error that is affecting all communications that pass through their servers, especially in Europe.
The problem with the servers started around 2:00 p.m. in Spain. According confirmed by users around the world, and we were able to corroborate in our own chats, Telegram servers began to present connection problems with the different clients. The applications show the updating message without the messages arriving, it is not possible to send them either.
The news
Telegram is down: impossible to send messages and update conversations
was originally published in
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