Telegram has established itself in Spain as one of the great alternatives to WhatsApp in the field of messaging. This application usually stands out for adding new features with great frequency, and the latest release includes new features that bring Telegram much closer to the real world.
QR codes have been with us for years and have become an important link between technology and the real world. In the same way that web pages save us the comfort of not having to write incomprehensible IP addresses, QR codes make it much easier to access certain internet content, having to point with the mobile camera and that’s it.
As of version 7.5, Telegram incorporates a QR code generator togroups and channels. If you are the creator of the group, you can create a QR code for the public invitation link or for any of the temporary links that you create (limiting it to days or number of users who access it.
How a QR code worksEverything you need to know about the QR code: what they are, how they work and how mobile devices are able to read them in seconds.
Another great novelty are thewidgets. It seems strange that until now we have not had them in Telegram, but finally they are available with a design in accordance with the design of the application and that is synchronized with the light / dark theme. We have a simple widget with shortcuts in the form of icons and another that incorporates the name of the chat and a summarized version of the last message that was launched and its time.
The option to report channels that are illegal is more advanced, being able to select specific messages to report in a chat and write a message detailing the reasons why you are reporting it. Breakthrough in an area where Telegram was very weak.
All these news are not yet available to everyone, since Telegram has just added them to the 7.5 Beta version. This update can be downloaded and tested from tgfiles without any risk of replacing the stable version, as it will be installed as a second independent application.
The entry Telegram adds QR codes, widgets and improvements when reporting illegal messages appears first in The Free Android.
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