In the wake of the current crisis by the COVID-19 a large portion of the student population in the world can’t go to school, so many have had to resort to methods of online training to teach the classes and to continue the education during these difficult times.
This has also led to a new challenge for many teachers not familiar with the tools availablehence arise initiatives such as this of Google, called “Teach From Home“, or “Teach from home” to lend a hand.
How to teach at a distance with or without video calls
“Teach from home” will be a center online temporary information and tools to help teachers during the crisis of the coronavirus. The resource center will be maintained in constant evolution and update, and was created with the support and cooperation of the Institute of Information Technologies in Education of UNESCO, who is also working with other education partners, to respond to the emergency.
The website, which is available in multiple languages (including Spanish), it has a series of tutorials step-by-step to that anyone can learn to use the tools of Google to give online classes from home.

For example, the section for teaching at a distance using videollamdas explains from how to prepare your workplace for classes to improve the signal of the Wifi or looking for the appropriate background to avoid distractions, even a step-by-step of how to use Hangouts Meet, Slide, or Google Clasroom to publish the classes after the live broadcast.
For those who can not use video calls (because not everyone has the bandwidth to do so), there are also more resources for learning to use Google Classroom, Google Sites, questionnaires, and Google documents. All explained in a simple way to test the most novice.
In addition to all the information about the software tools available, ‘teaching from home’ also has sections just as important, as tips to capture the attention of students in lectures at a distance, or as keep in contact with other teachers.
You can access all the resources from the official website, or download the toolkit in PDF to have a document handy with all the material.
The news
Teaches from home: Google and UNESCO launched an education resource center for teachers and students
it was originally published in
Gabriela Gonzalez