These days, we have turned to the launch of many free to better cope with the confinement. Notable among them is the launch of many high-quality courses without cost, as of Pluralsightand today we have known ‘Code in Place‘the Stanford university of the united States, one of the best in the world.
‘Code’ in Place’ is a course in English for that no need for previous knowledge of programmingand in it you will learn to program using the Python language. The materials that will be used are the same as those used in the first part of the introduction of the current course of Stanford, known as CS106A. The experience promises much, and is that, as we shall see, does not have the characteristics that we are used to in most online courses.
Code in Place is a course tutored with video weekly

From Stanford claim that anyone who wants to do the course, you must be at least 18 years old, and between 15 and 20 hours per week of availability with Internet connection to receive the video. And is that, in addition to using online resources, there will be video conferencing of 40 minutes in small groups of 10 people once a week with a teacher.
If what you expect at the end of the course is a diploma, this is not yours, because or you will take that or credits that will help you in your college tuition. To finish it, optionally, you will have to submit a final paper to collection mode of the course.
They accept our requests, which we can do from this link until the 8th of April, will depend on the availability of places, which can go from hundreds to thousands, depending on how many teachers join as volunteer instructors. To know if we should the course or not, propose to do before the day 8 of an exercise that takes between one and two hours. This is the recommended reading to do the exercises.
The news
Stanford University launches a free course of introduction to programming with Python for beginners
it was originally published in
Antonio Sabán