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So you can apply for unemployment benefit (unemployment) on the SEPE website

The Administration is characterized by advancing by taking small and slow steps in terms of technology and customer service. Luckily, you can apply for unemployment benefit directly from the web. We can forget the long and endless lines at the SEPE office to request the “strike.”

The unemployment benefit is a right that all workers have. It is an economic compensation to which you are entitled when we meet certain requirements. Among them, the most important is having been working for a minimum period or having duly paid Social Security contributions. Depending on the amounts quoted, whether you are employed or self-employed (self-employed), the amount of the benefit is calculated.

How to register with SEPE

The first step we must take to request an online strike is to have discharged in the SEPE (State Public Employment Service) and to be registered as a job seeker in the corresponding regional employment service. If it is the first time that we carry out this procedure, it is necessary to physically go to the corresponding SEPE office to be able to identify ourselves correctly.

This procedure can be done either by physically going to the SEPE office that corresponds to you according to your habitual residence or from the Electronic Office.


To register with the SEPE, you must first ask Appointment through the web or calling by phone at 912738384. To request an appointment from the SEPE website we only have to:

  1. Indicate the Postal codel and click Continue.
  2. We confirm that we want Start Request.
  3. We add the NIF / NIE of the applicant and we choose the type of procedure, in this case Applications for contributory benefits and subsidies. We introduce the Captcha and click on To accept.
  4. We choose Day and hour from the available dates offered by the web and click on To accept.
  5. On the summary screen we confirm the appointment after checking that everything is correct.

How to request unemployment

In person

The procedure to apply for unemployment benefit in person It is the same as in the prior appointment request process to register with the SEPE. In this first procedure, you must indicate the reason for the prior appointment, which is the same as in this case to request unemployment: Applications for contributory benefits and subsidies.

Except for error on the part of the SEPE, the documentation that we must bring is the DNI to be able to identify ourselves. Currently, the Social Security database has direct access to work registrations and cancellations, as well as the periods and amounts quoted. The calculation of the amount and the duration of the unemployment benefit is immediate and automatic.


Access to the Electronic Office requires secure electronic identification through Cl @ ve or of digital certificate (Electronic DNI). These are the two methods officially accepted by the State to carry out official procedures and formalities electronically.

Once safely identified we follow these steps:

  1. We enter the section Electronic Procedures and Services.
  2. We click on People.
  3. We choose “Request your benefit”.
  4. We mark the corresponding option between Initial registration, Resumption, Option for new right, Option for compatibility with part-time work, Option for compatibility with support contract and entrepreneurs, Compatibility with self-employment or we confirm that our last job was covered by the Special Sea Regime and we give to CONTINUE
  5. We fill in the personal information of the applicant together with the address usual, address for notifications, children who live with the applicant or who are in his charge.
  6. We review that the name, surname and NIF of the applicant are correct and click on CONFIRM.
  7. We sign electronically the application. If we use Cl @ ve we will indicate the username, password and security code received on the mobile. If we use the electronic certificate of the DNIe we will indicate the code received on the mobile. Click on CONTINUE.
  8. On the last screen we will have access to information such as the model of the request sent, the guard of the signature of the document and Informative note issued by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

How to proceed when you find work

The rule in practice is that registering with Social Security when you sign a new employment contract automatically cancels unemployment benefit to which you were entitled. It is important to check at the electronic office or by calling the SEPE customer service that this process has been carried out correctly. Collecting unemployment benefit when you have a full-time employment contract in force is a serious crime.

Full-time work for someone else

If the period of the employment contract is less than 360 days

You should know that you have the possibility of resume rendering for unemployment that you were collecting before working. For this, the procedure is the same as in the initial application.

If the work period is equal to 360 days or more

You can request the resumption of the unemployment benefit to which you were previously entitled and accumulate the rights acquired with that new job, or request a new one that corresponds to the total accumulated rights.

Self-employment (Self-Employed Workers Scheme)

In the event that you have been working for someone else and when you finish you decide to start and work on your own as a self-employed person, you have two options to access unemployment benefit. Despite returning to work, the Administration considers that when it is self-employed, there is not enough income to face a minimally decent quality of life. That is why you can request the collection of the entire benefit in a single payment, which is known as capitalize on unemployment. Depending on the working hours involved in the new project, we can choose 100% or a part of the monthly benefit to make it compatible with our work.

Part-time work for someone else

In this case we have the possibility of lay off unemployment benefit or make it compatible until completing the part corresponding to the full-time shift. By default, the unemployment benefit is suspended, so in the case of wanting to make it compatible with the new job, we must contact the SEPE and request it in the same way that the new registration is requested.

The post How you can apply for unemployment benefit (unemployment) on the SEPE website appeared first on ADSLZone.

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