Any help is good to help in the fight against the coronavirus. What we have seen with the cases of the makers you are making respirators or visors safe with 3D printing, or with the development of platforms to help neighbors. Now, Sherpa.aithe basque company of the artificial intelligence behind the well-known voice assistant, is helping the basque Government to predict, with a week in advance, the resources that will be needed in the intensive care units (ICU) during the days of pain of the infection.
It seems that the worst is happening, but the situation remains critical. The collaboration of Sherpa with the Executive of the Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu is being completely altruistic. Thanks to the development of predictions can be know by each territory of the Basque Country what is needed then the situation is not the same in Alava, in Biscay or Gipuzkoa.
Patterns and trends in machine learning

In that sense, as we can see in the graphic attached, they have a map of users potentially affected by locality. Some localities have green color, which means zero infections, while in others you can see up to 25% of infected people.
For the predictions they claim to have used machine learning algorithms, and in the development have been taken into account the characteristics of the Basque Autonomous Community and of Osakidetza, the Basque Health Service. To arrive on time, according to Xabi Uribe-Etxebarria, Founder and CEO of, have been “working for several weeks, very hard and closely together, along with Mikel Sánchez, director of Planning, Zoning and Health Assessment of the Osakidetza and the minister of Health Nekane Murga […]”.
Among the data that the tool Sherpa can offer is trends of infected or future foci, for which you will need to have with the whole evolution of the data. According to Urkullu, “it is essential to follow the steps of the most innovative governments to solve the epidemic such as China, Singapore or South Korea. All of them have taken advantage of the AI and have managed to get out of this crisis more quickly”.

Here in Spain, for the moment, at the level of the Ministry of Health has not announced any measure that involves learning to this level, but yes it has been announced that the Government of Spain, in a study similar to that carried out the National institute of Statisticsanalyse the movements of the population using the data of the operators to examine the displacement during the confinement.
Nuria Oliver, one of the managers of the project, spoke of, “it could be of great value to help us better plan the resources, to understand the effectiveness of different public measures of containment of the mobility and to predict more accurately the spread of the disease“and they are words that remind us of what we are seeing at the level basque with
it was originally published in
Antonio Sabán