The first mobile with a camera under the screen has already been launched in Spain, the ZTE Axon 20 5G. The manufacturer has become the first to have a mobile with this system on the market, although there are several Android brands working on a similar model, although it is a complex process. Samsung is also one of them, as seen in its new patent.
Samsung has registered several patents, among which we can view an invisible front camera system. The brand thus joins other Android manufacturers who are working on hiding the front camera under the screen, although the South Korean manufacturer leaves us with an innovative system.
Under-screen camera: Everything you need to knowSeveral brands on Android are working on introducing the camera under the screen on their phones. We tell you everything about this technology and its arrival on the market.
This is how Samsung will hide the front camera
In this Samsung patent you can see a mobile with an invisible front camera, which is invisible thanks to an innovative dual screen system. This phone would have a front with hardly any frames, with an upper screen, in addition to having a second sub-screen, which will be located below the transparent area. Below it would be a front camera.
In another patent that has already been registered, the brand would use a similar system, only we would have a double camera under the subscreen. This system would have a sensor for facial recognition and an iris scanner, while the second would be for photos. This sub-screen can be moved up and down, as a kind of internal pop-up. When said secondary screen is under the transparent area the terminal displays a normal all screen layout.
The fact that said secondary screen can be moved would be a good solution to the main problem of having a camera under the screen: the poor quality of photos and videos. Many manufacturers have thrown in the towel to these problems, but Samsung would present a system that allows you to hide the front camera, but maintain good quality when capturing selfies.
The fact that Samsung has patented these systems does not mean that they will be launched on the market, although taking into account that more and more brands are looking to have a camera under the screen, it may be that in a while a Galaxy phone with this system will arrive to the market.
The entry Samsung’s new patent solves the biggest problem with under-screen cameras appears first in The Free Android.