Or MP3s, or downloads, or streaming, or podcasts have killed the radio. If either no longer enjoys the popularity from several decades ago, the radio is still alive and for some it is a source of information, entertainment and a place to discover new music.
The Internet makes it easier than ever to access the radio and find the stations more well-known in your country or city, to more contrived in another continent. In Radio Garden you can do just that: explore the world through their radio stations.
A garden-based radio in the Netherlands
Radio Garden is an interactive map. The site features thousands of radio stations from around the world which you can access at any time using the globe to go to the site of the world whose radio you want to listen to.

You just have to move the map with your mouse pointer to change the radio automatically. Depending on your location on the planet, you’ll see the stations nearby, and the popular in that country. You can save favorites, and also do searches. In addition you can lock the station to explore the map without that change automatically.
The site was created by a team of enthusiasts of the radio that live in Amsterdan. The project started in 2016, came to be launched in 2018 as apps for iOS and Android, and this year redesigned it completely to focus on the mobile web experience.
Radio Garden it uses multiple open source technologies in order to function. For example, for balloon use CesiumJSa JavaScript library open source to create three-dimensional maps. And for the interface use the popular bookstore React.

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The news
Radio Garden: explores the radios live from all over the world by rotating this great virtual globe
it was originally published in
Gabriela Gonzalez