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Quick answers on Instagram: what they are and how to configure them

Instagram has been introducing many new features these weeks, which users in Spain can already enjoy. One of the most recent to come to the app was the guides, their own blogs, that content creators in the app can easily create. The new version of the application is already launched in the Play Store and leaves us with a new function.

Are the quick answers, a function that is currently limited only to professional accounts on Instagram. These quick replies work as shortcuts so that we can reply to other people’s messages in a faster and easier way.

Here’s how to use Instagram quick responses

Instagram quick responses let you configure your own shortcuts when writing messages. That is, instead of having to write an entire phrase or word, you can configure a shortcut that makes it so that when you write it, the entire word or phrase will be displayed on the screen. This will allow you to write messages in a faster way in the application.

For professional accounts, the application is a tool that can be of great help. Especially if you usually send certain answers on a regular basis, by creating a shortcut, you will be able to reply to the messages that come to you in your account as quickly and simply as possible. Also, you can create all the quick responses you want. The steps for this are:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Click on the messages icon in the upper right.
  3. Get into a conversation.
  4. Click on the + icon.
  5. Click on the Quick Responses icon (three-dot speech bubble).
  6. Tap +.
  7. Create your quick answer.
  8. Click Save.
  9. If you want to create more, click + again to repeat the process.

By having several quick responses activated in your account, when sending or replying to messages on Instagram you can use any of these abbreviations or shortcuts to write a phrase or word quickly. If you already have the latest version of the application installed on your mobile and you use a professional account, you can now enjoy these quick responses.


The entry Quick answers on Instagram: what they are and how they are configured appears first in The Free Android.

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