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Pokémon GO is upgraded to the large for you to play at home

A couple of weeks ago that Niantic announced its intention to facilitate the to be able to play Pokémon GO from home due to the current quarantine. A news story that users were waiting with interest, due to the popularity of the game, but that in these moments it was impossible to play at home. These changes announced a couple of weeks are not the only ones, also the raids changed significantlyas has been announced already.

Despite not being able to get out to the street, it will be possible to continue to participate in raids to the gyms. Niantic has confirmed that Pokémon GO will now the incursions, remote from home, so that the users will be able to continue playing the popular game in the most complete way possible.

A pass remote will allow forays into Pokémon GO

Users are going to have to resorting to the so-called Pass the Remotethat will allow you to take part in any raid that is shown near it on your screen. On the screen close-up in the bottom right corner, it will show if there is any incursion, and if there is, you’re going to be able to add to it. As has been said Niantic, only to be prompted to use a pass to participate in a raid on the Pokémon GO. Each user will be able to maintain a limited amount of passes at the same time

A total of 20 coaches will be able to add to the same incursion, although a limited number of them, using this to Pass Remote for raiding. Each incursion won with that pass, and allow them to win you have to research tasks or for medals of achievements. For those who use this pass have any disadvantage, as a few days after the launch of that pass, the attack power of the pokémon from the players in remote will be smaller.

Niantic says that iran making any adjustments to this function with the passage of timeto find the best way and running for all users. There could be even changes in the amount of coaches that will be able to join remotely. That’s why you asked to be vigilant for more news in this regard in the official channels of Pokémon GO, because it seems that these raids and the so-called Pass Remote will change little by little. Passes Remote will arrive soon to the store of Pokémon GO. You are going to be able to buy individually, with a special price on the occasion of its launch, since that will be 100 PokéCoins, as has been confirmed by Niantic.

Other developments

Other changes in the game have to do with the tasks of change or research. As each midnight, the player will receive additional tasks no need to go to a Poképarada. Will be different tasks that can be achieved normally, and in this case we are going to focus on things that the user can complete from home.

In addition, it is also hoped that the partner Pokémon to improve, because it’s going to be able to get gifts Poképaradas nearby so that the player can then send to your friends. In addition, it will improve the level of the Pokémon, because it will allow the player to from all the candy and polvoestrella need a one-time, to level up. You no longer have to be a little to little in this case.

Changes of importance they are going to get to the Pokémon GO, to make it easier to be able to play the popular title of Niantic from home. So soon you will be able to participate in these raids remotely, especially with these new passes that will be released in a few days in the shop. These updates are starting to get to the game, so don’t hesitate to try them when they are available, although you may in the beginning have certain limitations and these days will go to expanding its presence and operation.


The entry Pokémon GO is upgraded to the large for you to play at home first appears on The Android Free.

Me Time Tech

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