Netflix wants to convert your favorite series into podcasts: the «audio only» mode arrives

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Netflix wants to convert your favorite series into podcasts: the «audio only» mode arrives 1

In October it was revealed that Netflix was working on introducing an exclusive audio mode for its Android app in Spain. Thanks to this mode, users will be able to reproduce the contents of the application having only the audio, not video, to save data. The series become almost podcasts with this mode in the app.

It was unknown when this audio-only mode was going to launch in the Netflix app, but that time has come. Some users in the Android app already have access to this mode in their accounts, although at the moment a few are limited, awaiting their general deployment.

Audio mode comes to Netflix

Netflix audio mode

Netflix is ​​starting to roll out audio mode among some users, although it appears to be a server-side update, so it will take a while to reach all users. In the playback window you can see a new button to turn off the video, so that only the audio remains. Pressing this button causes the screen to go blank, showing the playback controls.

In addition, an option for Audio Only is also introduced in the application settings, to activate this exclusive audio mode. The app allows choose when to have this mode activated: always, with headphones or external speakers or have it deactivated. Each user will be able to choose when you use this new mode in their case.

The exclusive audio mode on Netflix can help reduce mobile data consumption of the app. In addition, the contents in the app become a kind of podcasts by having only the audio. It is not a mode that is ideal for any content, but in some such as comedy series or live comedy shows it may be a good option to consider.

Netflix activate audio mode

This feature is being deployed from the server side, so you may have to wait a while until you can use it on your account. The only thing you can do for now is make sure you have the most recent version of the app installed on your Android mobile and wait for it to arrive.

Netflix wants to convert your favorite series into podcasts: the «audio only» mode arrives 2

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