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Many users have problems with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

Yesterday we echoed one of the most relevant news of the year as far as competition is concerned. Several United States attorneys general as well as the Commerce Commission, the FCT, have filed a lawsuit against Facebook for basically buying up their competition.

One of the collateral effects of this is that when using common servers or located in the same areas, when one of the services goes down it is not uncommon for the others to falter as well. And this is exactly what is happening in Europe.

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram do not work in Europe

As we see in social networks and various media, the three applications, and their desktop services, are causing problems in countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, France or Belgium.

At the moment these inconveniences are not altering the use of the applications, among which

there is also Facebook Messenger, in Spain, but it would not be unusual for some users to be occasionally affected by their use. In fact, in the specific case of Instagram we do see that incidents have soared in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona.

Problems with Instagram in Barcelona

The two most affected services are Messenger and Instagram, perhaps because now they are more united than ever since FACEBOOK’s decision to use the messenger of the first one also in the second.

At the moment the parent company has not made any reference to these problems although we assume that they are already trying to solve them. All we can do is wait for these service outages to be fixed, and in the meantime we can use alternatives to these apps. Or not using the mobile for a while, which is not a bad idea either.

The entry Many users have problems with Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram appears first in The Free Android.

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