Even more so now, that because of the COVID-19, the capacity of these establishments is more limited, and therefore, the sessions must be planned in advance. For this reason, many salons are beginning to use this method, an app that we are going to explain how it works.
In the first place, we find a app very simple to usejust has a series of tabs that differ between appointments, pending, future, or that have already been addressed. In addition, if we deploy the side menu on the left, we have other sections such as the professionals to whom we go, and notifications. Of this last we will expand below.
In the section “Notifications”, we find two other tabs that separate the history of messages that the app sends us, on the one hand, and the history of chats with the professionals, on the other. In terms of notifications, Leeloo has a system of messages that notified automatically to our book, as a reminder. There are two pathways that you use to do this, by sending a notification through the app itself and another by SMS.
To make a booking at our hair salon you trust, we’re going to need a phone contact to add it to the list. Once added, offers a full menu of professional, divided between men, women and children. In addition, it shows all the services that it offers along with the price, including details about the service.
Since we have selected the service, tap to choose the day and time. The app will show only the hours that are available for booking, which we can repeat with a single button if we want a fixed schedule each time you want to go to the barber. Finally, it has a support for chat with the professional, adding details or comments about the service, as well as a feedback system.
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