Although with the time the web of Instagram has been improving and completing in terms of functions, it is still far from parity. In that sense, in February we met that from the company they were testing with the messages from the web, and today, day 10 of April, the company has just announced that messages Instagram Direct are now available to all from the browser.
As it happens in the mobile applications (iPad regrets the lack of a dedicated application to present day), the direct messages of Instagram in its web version are accumulated in the same paragraph that the of the comments to the answers.
Sliding into your DMs
Now you can get and send Instagram Direct messages on desktop, no matter where you are in the world
— Instagram (@instagram) April 10, 2020
The web of Instagram says, finally, farewell to one of its shortcomings more important, but there is another
From the website of Instagram and we can see the Stories and direct messages, something which will please the users foot and the businesses that use the service to manage large accounts. Now becomes much more convenient is the simple fact of being able to react to something we say, without need to pick up your smartphone and wasting time by opening the application and typing on the virtual keyboard.

The function integrates seamlessly with the web, and it can be accessed from the icon classic paper airplane that we find in the mobile application in the top right. On the web, the location is similar, and is situated between the icon of the feed and the compass of to Explore.
Before the arrival of a new function so the user only can rejoice, but what is certain is that now that we receive, it makes us think of what is still missing: upload photos from the web. While it is true that in the early days of Instagram, the network was fully mobile and had no sense of being able to upload images from your computer, right now the focus is very different, and flexibility that function aligeraría many workflows.
it was originally published in
Antonio Sabán