Last August you could see that WhatsApp was preparing to introduce a new type of search in your application on Android. After being present in the beta of the application, this new search is finally launched for all users in Spain of the popular messaging application.
This new search in WhatsApp will allow more precise searches, since it will give users the possibility to filter by type of content, by contact or even use keywords to find what they are looking for. Thus, it will be easier to find a photo or link between all your chats.
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WhatsApp looks for what it is easier to find something that has been shared in our chats, whether they are photos, links, GIFs or audios. Due to the large number of files that we usually exchange in our conversations, finding something is not always easy, but this new search will allow us to filter content, so that the process is faster and easier at all times. The steps to use it are:
The app has introduced a new interface for this search tab, as you can see. When you click on the magnifying glass icon when entering the application, several options are then displayed with the type of file you want to search for. In addition, being able to use words, such as the name of a contact or a key term, allows that search to be carried out more precisely and quickly. You will no longer have to search through your chats without knowing very well where that photo or link you are looking for is located.
The new search has been officially launched for all WhatsApp users on Android, both in the beta and in the stable version of the application. You just have to make sure that you have the latest version of the messaging application installed on your mobile to be able to use it.
The entry How to use the new advanced WhatsApp search appears first in The Free Android.
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