After appear for the Android beta WhatsApp’s new ‘vitaminized’ search is now available to all users: with it can be filtered by content type, by contact and even by keywords. In this way it is possible to easily find any content between the different chats.
As time goes by, tons of conversations accumulate on WhatsApp. And there are not only text messages, but also innumerable photographs, videos, documents, links to websites … Anyway, to find a specific element It can be as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack. Although from now on the searches will be easier and also with greater precision: the improved WhatsApp search has reached all users who use the messaging application. And you can already try it.
The idea is that make it simpler and more accurate to find anything that has been shared in chats, both in private and in group conversations. To do this, just click on the magnifying glass at the top of the screen: WhatsApp has evolved the aesthetics of the search engine by changing the list of elements by labels. This also improves the visibility of the options.
Just like has announced WhatsApp on his Instagram, the enhanced search is now active for everyone. Checking any of the tags (photos, videos, links, gifs, audio or documents) the application will locate that specific content among all chats. The novelty is that now you can add contacts so that WhatsApp can locate the content shared with those users. Even we can write keywords to get the related items. That they sent you a TikTok link and you no longer know where it is? Click on the magnifying glass icon, mark the linkand type ‘tiktok’. If the link included that word WhatsApp will locate it instantly.
The new search saves considerable time when it comes to locating specific items, especially if you accumulate an innumerable number of conversations. It is now available to all users, both the beta and the stable version. In the event that it does not appear to you make sure you updated to the latest version.
More information | WhatsApp
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How to use the new WhatsApp search: find content by contact or keywords
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