How to use the new folders of Telegram to organize all of your conversations

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How to use the new folders of Telegram to organize all of your conversations

Telegram has just been upgraded with new version and new features, one of them, and perhaps the most prominent, are the folders to organize chats. This feature it is also available from the desktop applications for Mac and Windows as long as you’re able to upgrade to version 1.9.22.

Now, if you have already received the update and don’t see folders for any side, it is because to be able to begin to use them you have to create one first. In this way you will be able to look at the new sidebar in Windows, or the top panel in macOS where you show your groups.

How to create folders in Telegram

Both from Windows and from mac os you’ll need to first go to the settings page by opening the menu of Telegram. Once there you’ll find a new option called “Folders”:

Telegram Folders

You have to click there to create your first folder. In each folder, whose name you can choose initially, you’ll be able to add all the chats that you want, regardless of the type (direct, group, saved messages, bot, or channel).

Folders In Telegram

Once you have created all the folders that you wanted and added chats to them is when you the interface of Telegram will change to display accesses comfortable to those groups. In the case of Windows you’ll notice it as a sidebar with icons:

Telegram With Folders

On macOS it looks different, instead of a sidebar, Telegram will show something more like tabs, groups in the top of the chat list with the names of your folders, without icons:

Telegram Folders Macos

It is possible to edit your folders at any time, whether to change the name, add or delete chats, or delete the group entirely. In the Window you can even change the icon of each folder by several pre-engineered.

Edit Folder Telegram

You just have to right-click on a chat in the sidebar, select “Edit folder” and then click on the folder icon that comes by default. This brings up a drop-down menu with all the icons available.

The news

How to use the new folders of Telegram to organize all of your conversations

it was originally published in


Gabriela Gonzalez


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