When you use Google Translate frequently to ddifferent types of translations and different language combinations, it is a bit cumbersome to open it and change its settings every time. By the time the translator is ready, what you wanted to translate has already expired. There is a faster way: with widgets.
Luckily the google translate has a customizable widget that you can use as a shortcut for a specific type of translation. In this way, you can create a lot of shortcuts for different types of translations.
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Create your Google Translate widget
Google Translate has a single widget on Android, although it is customizable in practice acts as four widgets or shortcuts. To be exact, by being able to precisely configure the language pair to be used, the combination of possible shortcuts is many more.
Using the Google Translate widget is exactly the same as for any other widget. You will need to a launcher that supports widgets, which is normal, and open the list of widgets available in the system. The process may vary from one launcher to another, although the normal thing is that you need to make a long touch on the home screen and then press or display the widgets section. Find the Translator widget and with a long touch, drag it to where you want to place it.
The difference of the Google widget with others is that dragging the widget to the home screen does not finish the process. Instead it opens the widget settings screen, where you can choose what you want this shortcut to link to.
Here you basically have to choose two things: the type of translation and the language pairs. The widget you create will be a shortcut to open Google Translate with these settings directly applied. The types of translations available are the following:
Written translation, with a keyboard icon. Open Google Translate in standard mode, written.
Translation with the camera, with a camera icon. Open the translator directly in the translation mode with the camera.
Conversation, with the icon of two microphones. Open the translator in conversation translation mode.
Written translation, with a pencil icon. Open the translator in handwritten translation mode.
Also, one of the main advantages of this widget is that you can choose both the source and target languagesso that you don’t need to change it every time you open Google Translate. When finished, press save and a widget will be created with the icon corresponding to the mode, and the chosen languages in its text.
These shortcuts will be very useful if you need several different types of translations on specific occasions and you prefer save you a few clicks by changing settings every time. It can be a good ally for example on trips, by setting the conversation mode for the local language and thus being able to open it with a single touch.
The news
How to use the Google Translate widget to translate faster with shortcuts
was originally published in
Xataka Android
Ivan Ramirez