The function of fixing comments has been present in Telegram for a while for Android, it was even updated in the most recent version of the app in Spain. This is a function that can be very useful on many occasions, especially in group chats within the application, as an announcement, so that everyone sees the message.
If you want to post a message in one of your chatsWhether it’s a one-on-one conversation or a group conversation, we’ll show you how it’s done. In addition, we must not forget that in Telegram it is possible to post more than one message, so we also show the way in which it is possible to do this.
Four shortcuts or gestures to use Telegram more efficientlyIf you want to use Telegram on Android in a more efficient way, there are some shortcuts or gestures that will allow you to move around the app more easily.
Pin messages on Telegram
If you want to make sure that someone else is going to read something, such as a notice or some information that you think is important, the function of pinning messages in the app makes it easy. When posting a message, said message remains at the top of the conversation, so that all the people who enter that chat will be able to see it. The steps to pin a message are as follows:
- Open Telegram on Android.
- Go to the chat where you want to post a message (it can be a group or individual chat).
- Find the message to pin.
- Press and hold on the message.
- Click on the Set option.
- Confirm again by clicking on the Set button.
When you have done this, that message will then be displayed at the top of the chat. Anyone who is part of it will be able to see when a message is posted. To read the entire messageAll you have to do is click on the upper part and Telegram then takes you to the point in the chat where the message was sent, so you can read it in its entirety.
The application also allows setting several messages, so if there is more than one that you want to fix, you will be able to do it. The steps are the same as we have shown, only that instead of a message, you will have to press and hold on more messages, on all those you want to set. Then you just have to resort to that option to fix.
10 reasons to use Telegram as a work toolTelegram is one of the most complete messaging applications and can be a good working tool, as these 10 reasons show.
Delete a pinned message
It may be that after a while a message that has been posted in one of the chats is no longer relevant, as in the case of an announcement or notice. If you want to delete a pinned message in any of your chats in the application, it is very simple. The steps for this are:
- Open Telegram
- Enter the chat where there is a pinned message.
- Click on the X icon on the right side of that pinned message.
- Click delete.
The process will always be the same. Once that fixed message is eliminated, if you want to put a new one it will be possible, following the steps that we have shown in the first section.
The entry How to set messages in your chats in Telegram appears first in The Free Android.