Telegram is one of the messaging applications most popular in Spain, which is growing at a good rate after the problems with WhatsApp. This application stands out for its good treatment of privacy, although users who begin to use it are in some cases with messages from strangers or are added to groups by someone they do not know.
If strangers on Telegram have sent you a message or added to a group and you don’t want this to happen, there are a couple of simple settings within the application that we can activate to prevent this from happening. This will mean that only those of you who have contacts will write to you.
How to see if someone has entered your Telegram accountIf you want to see if someone has entered your Telegram account without your permission, there is a method to see the sessions started in the app itself.
Prevent strangers from writing to you on Telegram
Most likely, we have the option of anyone can write to us or add us to a group. We will only have to change this to make only the people we have in our contacts write us a message in the messaging application, thus protecting our privacy in it. The steps we have to follow in this case are:
- Open Telegram on your phone.
- Click on the top three stripes on the left.
- Go into Settings.
- Go to Privacy and security.
- Go to the Phone number section and select who can see it (Contacts or Nobody is the best).
- In the Groups and Channels section, choose who can put you in a group.
The one that any user in the application I will be able to see your phone number it is what allows them to include you in a group or to send you a message even if you don’t know them. By hiding this, it will only be through the username that you will have chats in the messaging application.
What to do if Telegram notifications don’t work on AndroidIf the Telegram notifications have stopped working on Android or are giving performance problems, you can try this to fix it.
Disable Nearby People
Another reason why unknown people write to you on Telegram is that you have activated close people. This function in the app allows you to see which people near you have the app and have this function activated, allowing you to send them a message or they write you one. In this situation, the only thing we would have to do is deactivate this function, to prevent those strangers from sending you messages. The steps for this are:
- Open Telegram on your phone.
- Click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper left.
- Go to Close people.
- If you get the option “Stop showing me”, you have this option activated.
- Then click on Stop showing me.
By having this function deactivated, none of those people in your area that you do not know will be able to write to you or include you in a group.
The entry How to prevent strangers from writing to you on Telegram appears first in The Free Android.