Since a few months ago WhatsApp and Google Assistant are making more and better friends. There is some integration between the two, which allows us to perform certain actions in the application messaging via the well-known wizard. In fact, we have already shown above how to send messages using the wizard, which can be of great utility.
We can also use it to make calls. This integration is a reality since September, and since then we can use Google Assistant to make calls or video calls in WhatsApp. A feature of great utility when we can’t touch the screen of the phone, as when we are driving.
How to send messages on WhatsApp using your Google AssistantSends messages on WhatsApp from your Android phone using voice commands using Google Assistant and not to have to write anything.
The use of this function does not present complications, although the it is important to use the appropriate commands. Because, as you may have experienced on occasion, the Google Assistant will not always understand at first what you want to do. In this type of command, it is important to be direct and not bother too much when we have to ask you something. The order of the words can have influence in many cases.
It is best that you say something like “OK Google, make a call, WhatsApp (name contact” or “OK Google, make a vídeollamada on WhatsApp to (contact name) or Call (name of contact) for WhatsApp video. Any of these commands will allow us to make use of this function normal, without need to repeat this command several times. The steps are the following, thus:
How to create reminders or tasks in WhatsAppIf you want to be able to create reminders or tasks in to your account from WhatsApp, there are several ways to be able to do it without too many complications.
This function can be of great utility when you are driving or not you can hold the phone. Thanks to Google Assistant you can call to your contacts by using the messaging application at all times. An easy to use feature, which shows the integration between the two applications.
The entry How to make phone calls and video calls in WhatsApp by using the Google Assistant is listed first on The Android Free.
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