How to know which contacts of your WhatsApp have Telegram

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How to know which contacts of your WhatsApp have Telegram

One of the great differences between WhatsApp and Telegram is the number of users: 2,000 million on WhatsApp and 400 million on Telegram. Of course, this figure is global and you are probably more interested know which of your contacts have Telegram.

If you want to know if the change from WhatsApp to Telegram would leave you incommunicado with some of your contacts, you can always check who is on Telegram. To do this you need to install Telegram, although otherwise it will not take more than a couple of minutes.

Who is on Telegram?

If you are thinking of switching from WhatsApp to Telegram, but worry that you might not be able to talk to anyone there, you can always do a quick check to see who is already on Telegram.

Both WhatsApp and Telegram can sync your contacts with your mobile, which becomes a useful tool to see who from WhatsApp is on Telegram as well. The good thing is that on the WhatsApp side you don’t need to do anything: generally, you have in the mobile contacts who you talk to on WhatsApp (otherwise, their phone number will appear in the chat).

On Telegram, however, the contact sync It is optional, although you must activate it if you want to do this check. The option to synchronize contacts appears in the setup wizard, although you can also do it later from the Settings> Privacy and security> Synchronize contacts.

Sync up

Next, you just need to create a new chat, for which you can use the floating button. Another way to see who of your contacts is on Telegram is to use the side panel and tap on Contacts. You will then see the list of your contacts that already have Telegram.


All the contacts that appear there have a Telegram account associated with that phone number, although that does not necessarily mean that they are actively using it. A good indication is that you look at the last connection time, just below your name.

Those people who put it “recently” are more likely to use Telegram in their day-to-day, while some who are “a long time ago” may be accounts created but no longer in use (or that they have blocked you). If you want to get rid of doubts, you just have to open a chat and say hello.

The news

How to know which contacts of your WhatsApp have Telegram

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ivan Ramirez


How to know which contacts of your WhatsApp have Telegram 1

How to know which contacts of your WhatsApp have Telegram 2