How to know if it’s worth it to capture a Pokémon

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To do this, there are some parameters to take into account when assessing if the Pokémon you catch is good for our team. The most well-known are the Battle Points, which shows the level and the power of each creature, but enter the fray other data to bear in mind as the IV.

What are the IV?

Are the Individual Valuesa parameter shown in a percentage that reflects the attributes of each Pokémon. As we already know, in the game of Pokémon GO, there are three attributes, which are health, attack and defense, but only the health is shown in the statistics of each Pokémon. In this way, knowing the rest of the attributes, we can determine if it’s worth it to capture a Pokemon or not. In fact, IV have more weight than the CP, because if a Pokémon has the genetically best attributes with a lower level, the possibilities of victory will be greater.

There is a tool that will allow us to meet the rest of attributes and to determine the IV of any Pokémon, known as Poke Assistant. In addition, it presents a calculator very easy to use and quite comprehensive. Besides, we can know if they are well-balanced with good defense and health, or if by the contrary, they are very offensive, something that is not good comes to combat against other trainers.

How it works Poke Assistant to capture Pokémon

As we say, it is very easy to use, both at the time of showing the data as to see all the attributes of the Pokémon in a simplified form but very visual. Yes it is true that we must know certain data of the Pokemon to fill in the form and the tool to do a search as accurate as possible. We will exemplify the process with Gengar, taking advantage of that at the head of this article.

  1. We start with what’s easy, which is to fill in the name, the CP, the life and the Dust of Stars that cost to raise those Battle Points from the Pokémon. Finally, you can select whether it is powered or not. All these data can be seen in the tab of the Pokémon in the same game.
  2. Then, if we are at the Pokémon GO, we have to check the attributes in which it emphasizes that the Pokémon in the option “Value”as we reflect on Poke Assistant. To do this, the game gives us some clues in the form of a sentence, since as we have indicated above, does not show the values of each attribute. If the game says something like that the Pokemon is resistant against attacks, or does a lot of damage, then we can already guess if it is more defensive or offensive.poke assistant attributes
  3. Finally, we are left with the box “Best”, which is divided by a range of levels. We can leave them in optional, but the search will be more inaccurate, and if we look again at the phrases that the game tells us, we can set that range. We’re going to leave some of the phrases that can appear:
    • Level 0-7:
      • Its features will not be of much use in combat.
      • Its features will help you fulfill your goal in combat.
      • It has excellent features. How exciting!!!
      • I’m freaking out with their features. WOW!!!
    • Level 8-12:
      • His stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion.
      • Their statistics show a trend significantly positive.
      • I am certainly impressed by your statistics, I must say.
      • Their characteristics are beyond all calculation. Is amazing!
    • Level 13-14:
      • His stats are nice, but a little basic, so that I can see.
      • It has good features, no doubt
      • “Your features are really strong! It’s amazing!
      • “Your features are the best that I have ever seen! What a past!
  4. With all the data already filled in, the tool will show us the statistics to the full-Gengar, both his attributes, his CP and his life. It also provides us with the percentage of the IV, demonstrating the genetic Pokémon, as well as a comparison between the best and the worst in terms of level that we can find in the game. The ideal is 100%, meaning that Gengar is genetically perfect, as is the case. However, all that is over 70% will be a welcome and suitable for improvefor that we will need to Dust, Stellar, and candy.

poke assistant iv

On the contrary, if it is below that level, no matter the name or the CP you have. If you do not have a IV enough, it’s not worth to spend resources to improve it. We can leave it stored or to transfer it to get some caramel extra, that never comes bad.