Microsoft just launched Windows 11 in its final version, so any user can now install it on their computer, whether it is officially compatible or not, which we will talk about later in this article where we also show you how to download and install Windows 11.
The main novelty that we find in Windows 11 is the change of design, a layout that relocates the items on the taskbar to the center and removes the search box. Another important novelty of Windows 11 is the return of widgets, of which we already saw a preview in the latest Windows 10 updates.
Windows 11 requirements

During the official presentation of Windows 11, Microsoft announced that only computers with a processor 8th Gen Intel Core or higher, AMD Ryzen 2 or higher and Qualcomm Series 7 or higher would be compatible with this new version.
A few days before the release of the final version, the company announced that removed that requirement and that all users who had an official Windows 10 license could upgrade to Windows 11 without problems.
However, he also announced that if the computer does not meet any of the minimum requirements, the computer may present compatibility problems and also will not receive updates.
Here we show you the minimum requirements necessary to be able to install Windows 11 on your team.
Processor, Processor with 2 or more 64-bit cores at 1 GHz or higher.
RAM memory, 4 GB
Storage, To install Windows 11 it is necessary to have 64 GB of storage or more on the computer.
Firmware, Must support Safe Boot mode
Graphics card, Compatible with DirectX 12 or with the WDDM 2.0 controller.
TPM, Trusted Platform Module 2.0
Screen, The minimum resolution required is 720p over 9 inches with 8-bit channel per color.
Others, You need an internet connection and a Microsoft account to activate the Windows 11 version.
If we are not very clear which are the components of our team, we can make use of the application that Microsoft makes available to us to check if our equipment is compatible with Windows 11 or not.
Windows 11 license
If your computer is currently managed by an official Windows 10 license, the same serial number that you use on your computer to work, It is valid to activate the new version of Windows 11.
If you don’t have the license number handy, you can take the following steps to find out and have it handy during the installation process, unless you have the bad idea of updating directly on Windows 10.

- We open the terminal screen through the CMD command that we will write in the search box
- Next we write WMIC Path SoftwareLicensingService Get OA3xOriginalProductKey on the command line.
If this method doesn’t work, it doesn’t always work, we can use the ShowkeyPlus app, an application that we can download for free through this link.
And I say it’s a bad idea because you will drag all the operating problems that your team is currently suffering. The best thing you can do is a clean installation by previously making a backup.
How to download Windows 11

The only official method to download windows 11 It is through the Microsoft website. Never download a version of Windows from a non-Microsoft page, since you can find yourself with unpleasant surprises.
Microsoft makes available to us 3 different methods to download Windows 11:
Windows 11 Setup Wizard
Yes you don’t have much computer knowledge and you do not want to complicate your life with the installation, we must select this option.
The Windows 11 Installation Wizard allows us to download this new version of Windows and install it on top of your copy of Windows 10 that we have installed on the computer.
In this way, all the data that we currently have on the computer will be preserved and they will be available when the installation of Windows 11 is complete.
If your idea goes through do a scratch install, this option is not what you are looking for.
Create Windows 11 installation media
This option allows us download a copy of Windows 11 and create an installation media to install itEither a USB stick or a DVD drive.
Once we have created the necessary support to make the update, we must restart the computer and access the BIOS so that the computer boots from the drive where we have the copy of Windows 11 ready to install.
If you want perform a clean install of Windows 11, this option is perfect.
Download Windows 11 Disc Image (ISO)
If what you want is download a Windows 11 ISO, ISO that you can later copy to an external drive to install on your computer, this is the option you need.
Once we have unzipped the ISO image on the drive where we want to install Windows 11, we must restart your computer and use that drive to boot for the first time the team.
How to install Windows 11 from Windows 10

Another method that we have at our disposal to install Windows 11 on a new computer is through Windows updates.
If your computer is compatible with Windows 11, in the section Windows update, located in the Windows configuration options (Control + i) a message will be displayed inviting us to download and install Windows 11.
We just have to follow the steps shown on the screen and wait for the team to finish. All the data that we have stored on the computer will be preserved, however, it never hurts to make a backup copy in case the process fails during installation.
My computer is not compatible with Windows 11

The world does not end because your computer cannot be updated to Windows 11, since Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will continue to have official support until 2015, so there are still 4 years to change the equipment before it stops receiving security updates.
It is worth installing Windows 11 without updates or staying on Windows 10 with updates
The question answers itself. Windows is the desktop operating system most used worldwide, so friends of others work to create malicious software for this operating system, not for macOS or Linux, whose market share is less than 10%.
In the technological society we live in, security updates are as necessary as eating. Not enjoying security updates represents a very important risk for our security and that of our team that we should not take.
Antivirus they do not protect us from vulnerabilities in the system, vulnerabilities that hackers use to access our equipment. Exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems is much more profitable and effective than using applications to distribute all types of malware.