How to activate the new voice search design in Chrome for Android

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How to activate the new voice search design in Chrome for Android

Google continues to extend the presence of its voice assistant and now it is your browser for Android that can already benefit from this improvement. A possibility that allows us to use Google Assistant to search through voice commands. but yes, before we must activate it.

If you are familiar with Chrome I’m sure the “flags” menu sounds like you. This is the system that we are going to use to activate the new interface for Google Assistant searches in Chrome and thus not having to use the current design.

New design in Chrome

Google Chrome

In order to activate the new interface, it will not be necessary to have some of the development versions, since the new function is available in the stable version of Chrome. Yes, we will have to have Chrome version 87 stable what can you get in Google Play Store or through APK Mirror.

To activate the new voice search experience you must enter Chrome and enter the following text in the search bar: chrome: // flags / # omnibox-assistant-voice-search.

Google assistant

At that point it only remains to restart the browser and we will have the new interface available. From now on, by clicking on the microphone button in the address bar or the multifunction box, the old design gives way to the Google Assistant full screen.

In the tests we have carried out, the new design for Chrome is activated, but nevertheless and despite having Google Assistant activated, we could not appreciate the animation with the colors at the base of the search box.

Google assistant

Google Chrome

Via | Android Police

The news

How to activate the new voice search design in Chrome for Android

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Jose Antonio Carmona


How to activate the new voice search design in Chrome for Android 1

How to activate the new voice search design in Chrome for Android 2