The Telegram version 7.5 has brought self-destructing messages to all chats and not just secrets. In this way, all conversations can be fleeting or, at least, with an expiration date.
We tell you how to activate self-destructing messages on Telegram in all the places where it allows it: in secret chats, in normal chats and in channels. The process is slightly different in all three cases.
The first place where Telegram allowed users to add an expiration date to messages was in secret chats. These chats are end-to-end encrypted, cannot be forwarded, and come with some additional restrictions, such as not easy to take screenshots.
Another peculiarity of secret chats is that messages can be configured so that they self-destruct after a certain time. The process is quite simple, because all you have to do is enter the chat, click on the menu button and choose Set up self-destruct.
Self-destruction in secret chats is the closest to ephemeral messages, with many time slots to choose from. The interval can go 1 second to 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, or 1 week, with several intermediate steps. This is the process for using self-destructing chats in a secret chat:
Enter the conversation in the chat
Tap on the menu button and enter Set up self-destruct
Choose the time interval and press Clever
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Message self-destruction is now available in all conversations, although the way to activate it is slightly different if we are not in a secret chat. In a normal chat or a group in which you are an administrator, you can activate it from the menu Empty chat.
At the bottom of the window that appears, you will see the section Self-delete messages in this chat, with only three options available: No, 24 hours or 7 days. The interval is short, although not too short. This is the process to activate self-destructing messages in Telegram chats and groups:
Enter the Telegram conversation
From the menu, choose Empty chat
Choose between 24 hours or 7 days and press Enable self-removal
If you’re the administrator of a channel in which you want to activate message self-deletion, the process is again slightly different. The system behaves like the self-deletion of messages in chats, although the option is accessed as in secret chats.
That is, you must enter the channel and, in the menu, choose Configure self-removal. You can then choose between an interval of 24 hours or 7 days. After that time, new messages sent to channel subscribers will be deleted. This is the process:
Enter the Telegram channel
From the menu, choose Configure self-removal
Choose 24 hours or 7 days and press Set for this chat
The news
How to activate self-destructing messages on Telegram: all available ways
was originally published in
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