In mid-August, the messaging application Telegram celebrated its seventh anniversary, with the inclusion of video calls between two people. This type of communication has become very relevant this year 2020 in countries like Spain due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19.
7 years of Telegram: its 7 best featuresTelegram celebrates seven years on Android with the arrival of video calls. Over the years the app has left us with seven very outstanding functions.
Today calling functions are expanded not with the improvement of video, but with the launch of calls between all members of a group chat.
The latest update of the Telegram application in its full tests has activated a new function in the chats of several people that allows us to make group calls between all the members.
Also, if it is what we want, we can make only administrators can speak and the rest of the participants are listening, perfect for transmitting information or communications.
In order to use group calls we have to go to the group profile, click on the options button in the upper left corner and select “Start voice chat”. When we do, we confirm the call and we can speak with all the members.
In the call interface we can hang up and leave or mute our microphone if we are doing other things and we just want to be aware of what is said, but not participate.
To download the beta version of Telegram you have to enter this link, and install the APK that you download from there. If you prefer to wait, it is likely that in a few weeks this function will reach the stable version.
The entry Group calls come to Telegram in the latest beta appears first in The Free Android.
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