Google Play removes the ‘Beta access’ menu from the Apps

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Google Play removes the 'Beta access' menu from the Apps

Google has decided to remove the direct menu that until now the beta apps had in the Play Store: the one known as ‘Beta access’ or ‘Early access’ disappears without leaving a trace of the store. Users can still download beta applications, but they no longer have a specific area in the Play Store where to find them.

The option to locate applications in development was introduced in 2016. With her Google opened the ‘Early Access’ or ‘Early Access’ section, a place where the Android user could discover new software that was in beta. The section was at the end of the top menu of the Apps, at least until now: Google has removed it to unify navigation in the store.

Google matches the top menus of Games and Apps

Play Store Beta Access Google has unified the top menus of Apps and Games by eliminating the ‘Beta access’

Since the Apps had their own ‘beta access’ section the top menu of this section and the one for games was different. The most downloaded applications continue, also the selection of categories. And the elements have been equated to offer a unified navigation; with the pertinent collateral damage.

Google has introduced the new design of the upper menus of the Play Store without knowing specifically how much they have assets. Both section of help in spanish as the written in english continue to hint at the old ‘Beta Access’, so the change is quite recent. And it kills a simple and convenient way to discover software in development.

Google has removed beta access from apps and games, although the latter they do have a ‘Previous registration’ section with which to anticipate future titles still in development. Of course, they cannot be downloaded until the official launch of the games, a drawback that the old beta section did not have. From now on, the only way to discover new betas on Google Play will be by previously knowing the link to the file.

The news

Google Play removes the ‘Beta access’ menu from the Apps

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ivan Linares


Google Play removes the 'Beta access' menu from the Apps 1

Google Play removes the 'Beta access' menu from the Apps 2