Google integrates a keyboard to type in braille on Android

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Google integrates a keyboard to type in braille on Android

The system of tactile reading and writing braille intended for blind people, lands officially on Android with the new built-in keyboard that Google has implemented in all devices with Android 5.0 or higherwhose update is arriving as of today.

The new Braille keyboard Google it is a new tool TalkBack that hits all the devices through an update of the Suite of Android accessibility. So Google makes it even much more accessible, its mobile operating system for blind persons.

Braille Keyboard

To use the new Braille keyboard we have to activate the new input method from Settings > Accessibility > TalkBack > Settings > Braille Keyboardactivating before the option TalkBack.

The new keyboard allows you to write in braille grade 1 and grade 2 and it works with all applications. The keyboard will show on the screen six buttons numbered 1 to 6, three on the left side and three on the right side.

Google is activating the keyboard as of today, and of time in its release is only available in English. The version in Spanish and other languages will expect.

Suite Accessibility Android

Suite Accessibility Android

Via | Google

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Google integrates a keyboard to type in braille on Android

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Xataka Android



Google integrates a keyboard to type in braille on Android 1

Google integrates a keyboard to type in braille on Android 2