In 2018, Google Duo premiered in the month of May screen sharing, but to the surprise of many, after three months Google suddenly removed this feature. Now, more than two years later and again by surprise, Google’s video calling app recover screen sharing.
Google has announced that we can now share the screen with Google Duo so we can share more moments with our contactssuch as searching for and watching videos together, or planning activities during a video call.
When making a video call among its options we will see a new icon of the silhouette of a phone which will allow us share everything that appears on our screen. We will stop broadcasting through our camera to broadcast the screen of our device.
In the announcement of the launch of this feature, Google has limited itself to saying that “now we can use screen sharing”, but it seems that they have not activated this function yet. It is unknown if a new update is missing or that the company activates the sharing function from its servers.
Sharing the screen will also serve as remote technical support, since if a family member or friend has a problem with the mobile we can see their screen and guide them step by step to try to solve the problem.
The news
Google Duo for Android recovers screen sharing two years after deleting it
was originally published in
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