Google Chrome adds ‘Read Later’, first in Chrome Canary

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Google Chrome adds 'Read Later', first in Chrome Canary

‘Read later’, ‘Save for later’ and similar names is a relatively common feature in web browsers, although for some reason it never made it to Google Chrome on Android officially. It seems that in the end we will have a ‘Read more’ in Chrome, as of version 90.

In Google Chrome Canary, you can already try ‘Read more’ or, at least, a first version of it. In this way, you can add web pages to a reading list for later reference, similar to how bookmarks work.

Something like bookmarks + online reading

When you’re reading an article and you find an interesting link in it, but you don’t have time to follow it at the moment, you have several options: open it in a new tab, add it to bookmarks or, the least recommended, try to remember it later. A new option that is yet to come is add to ‘Read later’, which can already be tested in Google Chrome Canary.

In Google Chrome Canary, the way to add a page to Read later is from the context menu, the one that appears when you make a long tap on a link. That is, you have to do it before entering the page itself, which, in a way, makes sense.


After adding a page to the reading list, you can find it later in the bookmarks, in a new category called just like that, Reading List. This section shows the saved web pages that you have already read and those that you have not. As soon as you touch one of these pages, it is marked as read.

Although the text that accompanies this new section indicates “Available offline”, as of today adding a page to this list does not download it, so if you go offline, you will be left without reading. It is more than likely that this is caused simply by being a first beta version, and that when it reaches the stable version, the reading list available offline.

Reading list

For the moment, Read later is available in Google Chrome Canary 90. Afterwards, it will go to the Dev, Beta version and finally it should be available to everyone on the stable version of Chrome, when it reaches version 90.

Via | XDA

The news

Google Chrome adds ‘Read Later’, first in Chrome Canary

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ivan Ramirez


Google Chrome adds 'Read Later', first in Chrome Canary 1

Google Chrome adds 'Read Later', first in Chrome Canary 2