In recent weeks we have seen (and experienced first-person) as millions of people have been forced to not leaving the houseto try to slow the advance of the coronavirus.
Many of these people do not teletrabajaban, and have had to resort to all kinds of tools to be able to continue to conduct their activities from home. The same thing happens with the studentsand Google has launched a platform to support young people who can’t get classes face-to-face.
Claim that added more content and languages in “the coming days”
Have called this platform ‘Teach From Home‘and is intended for teachers and parents who are looking for ways to continue to educate his children in the midst of this quarantine.
In the input the blog that accompanies this release, Google ensures that the goal of this space is to provide teachers with the tools and guidance needed to implement a system of teaching digital.
Currently, this page offers recommendations on how teachers can teach at a distance using (obviously) the Google products. For example, make a class through a video call in Hangouts, or create a questionnaire with Google Forms.
From the company claim that this page will continue to evolve, and provide a “kit of tools for teach-from-home, now you can download in Spanish, Italian, French, Danish, German, English and Polish.

In addition, YouTube has also launched Learn@Home, very similar to ‘Teach From Home’, but is more focused on video. What have been created in partnership with Khan Academy, and has programming targeted to the education of children of preschool age and above.
For now, the content of these channels is available only in English, but since YouTube claim that “in the next few days” be added to channels that post videos in Spanish, Italian, French, Korean, and japanese.
The news
Google and YouTube launch different tools aimed at parents and teachers to learn and teach distance
it was originally published in
Santi Araujo