Gboard, Google’s keyboard, starts updating with double emoji suggestions

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Gboard, Google's keyboard, starts updating with double emoji suggestions

Gboard, the Google keyboard, is receiving a new update via server. Through it the double suggestions of emojis are coming, that come to double the number of those that had previously. Although this is a minor change, the change is relevant due to the importance that Google places on emojis.

Without going any further, recently Google incorporated a bar dedicated to emojis, allowing users to enable or disable it. The new double bar begins to arrive on the server sideso it shouldn’t take too long to reach all users.

Double emojis come to Gboard

Image 2020 10 02 15 50 30 Image: 9to5Google.

Currently, Gboard has a suggestion bar that includes emojis. These emojis depend on the text we are writing. For example, if we write “money”, the emoji of the bill will appear. Google wants to give emojis even more prominence, now offering double suggestions.

Double emoji suggestions come to Gboard on the right side and grouped

To keep order, the two emojis will be shown grouped and together on the right side of the keyboard. The change here is that two emojis related to what we are writing will be offeredinstead of one. This is a minor change, but it brings back to the table how Gboard is evolving to give more and more importance to emojis.

The update is coming via server, first in the United States. It is a matter of days before it reaches the rest of the users, so make sure you have the application updated if you want to receive this news.

Via | 9to5Google

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Gboard, Google’s keyboard, starts updating with double emoji suggestions

was originally published in

Xataka Android

Ricardo Aguilar


Gboard, Google's keyboard, starts updating with double emoji suggestions 1

Gboard, Google's keyboard, starts updating with double emoji suggestions 2