Categories: TechTutorials

Do you want to download in uTorrent faster? add trackers

When are we going to download a torrent One of the things we look at is the speed at which it is downloading, because the less it takes the better, as is evident. That speed depends on many things, but we can help make it faster by adding trackers. That is what we are going to explain to you right now.

To download any type of file in uTorrent we need at least one user who has it complete, which is called a Seeder, in addition to that we can also be connected with others that do not have it complete, but certain parts, something that is known as Peer. This is the system with which this torrent client works and as is evident, the more Seeders and Peers the better, because that way it will download much faster.

What are trackers and what are they for?

We must be clear that when we are downloading a torrent file, we are downloading parts of that same file that are spread throughout the network and we get them from both Seeders and Peers. the problem comes when there are few people who have that file, something that can cause the download speed to be greatly reduced.

As you can see, this is the way uTorrent works, but the truth is that in order to put all these users (Seeders or Peers) in contact, the files themselves and the servers that exist are used what we call trackers. We can talk about these trackers being a kind of servers that communicate to the different users that they have a file available to share. These we report which users have the file whole or parts of it, so that our system can download it.

Knowing this, you will understand that it can happen that several users are sharing the same files, but they can’t communicate each other when using different trackers. It may be that someone shares on a specific website, we are downloading it and that users with the same file, but from another page, are not part of our Seeders or Peers, because we do not share trackers.

This that we have told you is something that can happen, although normally in torrents that are very current and famous, usually work with a lot of trackers different, although it may be the case that some file is somewhat limited in this sense, especially if the file is somewhat old. as is normal the more time he has, the fewer people will stay with him to share.

Types of trackers

There are two types of trackers: those that are private and those that are public.

The public trackers They are those that everyone can use without having to be registered. Evidently they are the most used and its operation is good in general lines. The best thing is that there is a great variety of them, which causes that some are much better than others.

The private trackers They are those in which we must register so that they can work for us. They usually have a higher quality control of uploads and it is rare to find repeated content, as it does occur in more than one audience. In addition, they are usually divided into categories specific, so the layout is better. The problem is to be able to subscribe and know which one of them, since there is no one that has all the possible files.

Add trackers to uTorrent

Adding trackers to uTorrent is very easy, but the first thing we must do is make sure that we have the latest version installed on our Windows or Mac computer, so it is best to go to your Web page and make sure. In addition, it is also compatible with the Android operating system.

Once updated we must follow a few simple steps to add trackers to a torrent file.

  • We start the torrent that we want so that it is placed in the tab Torrents.
  • Once the download has started we must press with the right button on said torrent and select Properties.
  • Now we will see that the section comes out Trackers, where we see what we have in that file.
  • To incorporate a new tracker, we only have to write them in this section, separated by a line break each one that we put.
  • Then we press Okay and everything ready. From now on that file will have more options where to search and choose Seeders and Peers, so its download speed will increase and we will have it in our storage sooner.

If we use the other great torrent client out there right now, how is it? Bittorrent, tell you that the way to add trackers is exactly the same as we have done for uTorrent.

The best trackers of today

We are going to leave you a trackers list from the Thomas Vanhoutte Miniblog that currently works and that we can add to our files to see how their speed increases. It may not be a great increase in some cases, since everything depends a lot on the speed of our connection and internal circumstances of each device, that is, if the equipment is less powerful, but improvement is always achieved.

  • udp: // 451 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 80 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • http: //retracker.spark
  • udp: // 8000 / announce
  • udp: //tracker.tiny
  • udp: // 3218 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • udp: // 1337 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 8082 / announce
  • udp: // 1337 / announce udp: //tracker.leechers
  • udp: // 1337 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 80 / announce
  • udp: // 3418 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce udp: //tracker.tiny
  • udp: // 1337 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • http: //tracker.tiny
  • udp: // 8089 / announce
  • udp: // 80 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: //tracker.kicks
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • udp: //tracker.kicks
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: //
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • http: //tracker.kicks
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 1337 / announce
  • udp: // 1337 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 udp: //public.popcorn
  • udp: // 80 / announce
  • udp: // 5944 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce http: //tracker.devil
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce
  • udp: // 1337 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 2710 / announce http: //ns349743.ip-
  • udp: // 6969 / announce
  • udp: // 6969

In this way we will achieve a higher speed in our downloads, in addition to having a better chance that everything reaches our computer correctly, since we will have more Seeders and Peers at our disposal.

The post Do you want to download in uTorrent faster? add trackers appeared first on ADSLZone.

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