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Different ways to remove blank pages in Word

Within Word users we would find several profiles. In the case of those who like to have everything neat and perfectly symmetrical, with the exact spaces and tabs, they are likely to get maddened by the blank pages that suddenly surprise us in any Word document (especially when final), for this there are several ways to remove them.

Word will probably be the most widely used word processor in the world and in history. Before Microsoft released its office suite there were other programs such as Wordperfect but they were very poor and it was Microsoft’s application that became known by being implanted in the majority of PCs.

It has happened to many of us that we are writing a document and we find ourselves with a blank page that no one has put there, we don’t need it, it bothers us … It can be on a random page or at the end of the document: we go through it in its entirety and, at the end, a blank page. If it still doesn’t bother us enough, when we print the document the blank page is still there, it also prints, probably with a header or footer and its page number, nothing more. A sheet of paper that goes straight to the bin, or better yet, we recycle it to use as an eraser.

Delete one or more pages in Word

We all know how delete pages from Microsoft WordWe do it mechanically, but there may be other types of elements that force us to delete a page or pages in different ways.

The traditional way

To delete pages in the Microsoft 365 word processor we just have to delete its content, place the cursor on the first line and press the backspace key. In this way we return to the last line of the previous page and the page from which we have deleted the content disappears.

We can go to the bottom of the page with CTRL. + END, or select all the content of it dragging with the mouse and delete everything and go to the previous page by pressing the key Recoil.

Additional paragraphs

In many of the occasions we find blank pages, without content and that do not disappear when we carry out the step above. For this we have to turn on paragraph marks and these will tell us if new blank paragraphs have been created in other positions of the document.

If we work in Windows we will press CTRL. + SHIFT. + 8 and if we do it from macOS we will press CMD. + 8 To activate the paragraph marks, we can also do it by clicking on its ribbon icon from the top. We just have to select these marks and remove them by pressing DELETE, this will allow us to go to the previous page eliminating the blank one.

Page breaks

This is another reason why unwanted pages appear in Word. Good by mistake, because the document they sent us already included it … The page breaks include us additional pages we don’t always need.

To delete these pages we have to place the cursor just in front of the page break and press the key DELETE We can also select it with the mouse and press the backspace key or the right button and click Delete. This method is used interchangeably for the version of Windows and for that of macOS.

If we use the web version we have to click the button Edit document from the top once we have opened it. The process for removing Page Breaks is the same as for the desktop versions.

Section breaks

In the same way that happens with page breaks, we can find additional pages that do not disappear despite having deleted all its content. To eliminate them we will do it in the same way, we place the cursor in front of the jump and press DELETE.

, or we select and delete it in the same way or through the secondary menu by pressing the right mouse button.

Remember that section breaks modify the page format or the content, so when deleting them you must verify that the page is in the proper format. If you cannot see the page breaks we will have to go to the View section of the top menu and change the document to Draft mode.

In the case of working in the Word web version we will have to click on the button To open in Word from the top menu to open the application and be able to remove section breaks.

Table at the end of the document

The tables that we insert in the word processor need an additional paragraph immediately after, and it cannot be removed. That is why it happens that when we insert a table by adjusting it at the end of the page, an additional page appears that we did not know how to delete, that new page is being occupied by the additional paragraph that the table needs.

If it is not possible to make the table end in the previous paragraph, what we will do is select paragraph mark on the next page and press CTRL. + D, so we will click on the hidden box and we will disable it from showing.

If that additional page does not disappear we can try decreasing font size in the additional paragraph. To do this, we will select the paragraph mark at the end of the table and in the font size section we will change it to 1.

Delete page in Word 2010

Within the previous versions of Word, in the case of Microsoft Word 2010, we have other alternatives to delete pages. The traditional method is the most useful, we select the content of the pages that we want to delete and press the key Recoil. We can also select all the content with a single click by clicking on Select all within the Edit menu on the top bar.

Another option to delete pages in Word is to place the cursor anywhere on the page that we want to delete and press CTRL. + G. In the box to enter the page number we will write page and press the key Intro.

We only have to press the button To close to check that all the content is selected and press the key DELETE To remove everything.

Convert to PDF

This is another alternative that we have in case you want to delete pages in Word quickly. Especially useful if we are going to export the document to PDF anyway.

What we will do is export the file in PDF format, a format that has a high degree of compatibility and that allows it to be opened without the design being modified when we open it in different applications or operating systems. Also, it cannot be edited and will always keep your layout.

To convert the document to PDF, click on the menu File from the top bar and then on Save as. We introduce the name of the file and select the PDF format in Save as type.

We will click on the section Choices to indicate the pages that are going to be exported, in this way we can make a manual selection or choose the range of pages that we are going to export, thus we will remove all those pages that we want.

The post Different ways to remove blank pages in Word appeared first on ADSLZone.

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