Mobile app and website of the Government of Spain intended for citizens that may be suffering from symptoms compatible with the disease caused by the new coronavirus is already a reality. AsistenciaCOVID-19 has been launched this Monday with the goal of “ease congestion on the phones of health care in the different autonomous communities and to offer official information and confidence.”
The tool is a version of the application developed weeks ago for the Community of Madrid, CoronaMadrid, and has been developed by CARTO, ForceManager and mendesaltarenwith the support and collaboration of Telefónica, Ferrovial, Google and Santandernext to the State Secretariat for Digitization, and Artificial Intelligence, assigned to the Third Vice-president of the Government and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.
AsistenciaCOVID-19 is directed, for the moment, to the inhabitants of Cantabria, Canarias, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, and Principality of Asturias. Even though it will be available to any other territory that requests it.
For people who believe that they have symptoms (and with attention to privacy)

The application government it is intended to assess the health of the people who consider themselves to have symptoms using a set of questions, offer a diagnosis on the basis of that situation and, finally, provide instructions, recommendations and tips customized for what to do.
In addition, depending on the state of health of each person, the application requests a new evaluation of the situation every 12 hours with the aim of keeping updated the situation. And if it has been authorized geo-location through the GPS of your phone, identify the autonomous community in which it is to customize the responses depending on the protocols of each one of them.

The identification of the users it caused some concern at the premiere of CoronaMadrid that, now, the Government of Spain aims to reduce by ensuring that “only allow access to the data to healthcare professionals and the competent authorities are permitted”. That is to say, the data will not pass away in no time by private companies that has nothing to do with the public administration and the health authorities.
From the Executive, in addition, require that the personal data of each individual user of AsistenciaCOVID-19 will only be kept for the duration of the health crisis and, once I’m done, “will be added anonymously to deal with them for statistical purposes, research or approach to public policy, for a maximum period of two years.”
It is expected that the source code of the application of self-diagnosis of the COVID-19 is released with the aim that administrations can adapt the tool by implementing their own versions with their sanitary protocols of assessment and triage.
it was originally published in
Toni Castillo