These are the manufacturers with the best security updates

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These are the manufacturers with the best security updates 1

Among the features to choose a new mobile available in Spain, updates are a key factor for the user experience. It does not matter so much the performance, the quality of the screen or the photographs that they take if the software is ultimately outdated at the time of purchase, either with the Android version or in security updates.

The latter are updates that, although they are not usually taken into account, are increasingly critical due to the amount of personal information that we carry on our phones.

Manufacturers with the best security updates

These are the manufacturers with the best security updates 2

A new study by Counterpoint Research has analyzed the security update cycle of the main Android brands (excluding Google Pixels) to see to what extent they maintain a good update policy.

These are the manufacturers with the best security updates 3

As the graphs show, Nokia has proven to be the most rigorous, complying with the monthly security updates on 100% of its mobiles. It is closely followed by OnePlus, which also updates 100% of its mobiles, but only 90% receive monthly updates, while the remaining 10% are quarterly. Lenovo also stands out (where Motorola is included) with 83% of mobile phones with monthly updates.

These are the manufacturers with the best security updates 4

One of the most notorious cases would be that of Samsung, which although it reaches almost 100% as well, only 22% of the terminals receive monthly updates while the rest receive them quarterly. It is not a surprise either, since Samsung has a public list in which we can see the main difference between its high-end and the medium and low-end ranges. It is a great reminder to keep in mind that, when choosing a mobile, it is more important to look at specific models and not judge brands by their global, which does not exempt that Samsung should improve this aspect.

These are the manufacturers with the best security updates 5

A situation similar to that of Samsung is that of Huawei and Oppo, while other large companies such as Vivo or LG stand out for the worse.

These are the manufacturers with the best security updates 6

Realme and Xiaomi show a good level of consistency with 70 and 67% monthly, while the rest of the models are quarterly.

The study has been considered excluding those mobiles that are more than three years old, a figure that if it were considered would perhaps change the perspective on who updates better in the long term.

The entry These are the manufacturers with the best security updates appears first in The Free Android.