How to set YouTube to always fit full screen

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How to set YouTube to always fit full screen

For more than three years, mobile screens abandoned the 16: 9 aspect ratio to bet on ultra-wide screens by removing the margins, but not all videos squeeze these formats.

Default Youtube displays videos in their original aspect ratio, so if the video is 16: 9 we will see two black stripes on the sides. To see these videos in full screen we can do the gripper gesture in each video or change app settings.

Fit to screen

If you like videos to play on the entire screen of your mobile and without black bars that simulate those black frames that mobile phones used to have and you don’t mind sacrificing that small cutout in the image then you can configure YouTube to play videos by default on the entire screen of your mobile.

To do this, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Opens YouTube for Android.
  2. Click on the image of your account.
  3. Tap on Setting.
  4. Accede to general.
  5. Activate the option Zoom in to fit screen.
Youtube Full Screen

With this option now all 16: 9 videos will be automatically enlarged to fit the full screen. You no longer have to make the pincer gesture to enlarge them. Now you will have to make the gesture to see the video in its original format.


YoutubeVaries by device.

The news

How to set YouTube to always fit full screen

was originally published in

Xataka Android



How to set YouTube to always fit full screen 1

How to set YouTube to always fit full screen 2