Google Meet free for all extends until March 2021

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In the current situation caused by the coronavirus, video calling applications have turned out to be a fundamental ally in Spain and the rest of the world to keep in touch with our loved ones, but also for other professional or academic purposes.

Last May, these video calls became free for all users without any type of limit. Since Meet is a professional service, this free features would be active for all users until September 30, from which date it will begin to limit video calls to 60 minutes for free accounts, although it will not be the case in the end. .

Google extends Google Meet for free until March 31, 2021

As we mentioned the other day, Google Meet was about to end the grace period whereby all free users could enjoy unlimited free video calls. As of September 30, Google would begin to apply limits, reducing the time of video calls to 60 minutes, a quite generous figure, but limited after all.

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It seems that in the end it will not be like that, and it is that Google itself has confirmed that Meet will remain totally free and unlimited until next year. The new limit figure is theMarch 21, 2021, extending the period six months more than they had initially estimated.

Google Meet free for all extends until March 2021 1

Google Meet has not stopped receiving news in recent weeks. One of the most interesting has been the integration with Jamboard, a digital whiteboard integrated into the video call that allows us to have a more didactic experience for classes or any type of meeting that improves with a whiteboard, while today it has received an update that It allows to cancel the background noise so that only our voice can be heard during the call or the support for Android TV and Chromecast.

Google Meet free for all extends until March 2021 2


The free Google Meet entry for all is extended until March 2021 appears first in The Free Android.