So you can find any tweet on Twitter

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If we need to find a tweet, the Twitter application itself allows us to use your advanced search to be able to find what we need, with searches from various points of view and with various criteria. But it also has a system to search less specific, which can be great for searching for current tweets. To this we can add a series of commands that we can use in these same searches, to achieve as much refinement as possible. Today we are going to show you everything.

The advanced search that Twitter allows us is a good system to search for what we need with the possibility of filtering the results with several specific parameters, to which we must add the commands that we can use within the search itself. The sum of all this will make us find what we are looking for accurately.

But we can also search Twiiter in a less specific way and with results that we can include in several different categories that the social network has.

Twitter search

If we consult the Twitter search box, we will see that we do not have a system that is extremely exact, but we will be able to see many different results.

From the web

If we use the search box from the web we will see how the results of Featured, Most Recent, People, Photos or Videos appear.

We can put filters if we click on More options (three vertical dots) and then Search Filters, filtering the results according to From any user or People you follow Y Anywhere or Near you.

Search filters

We can also click on More options and then on search settings to Hide confidential content Y Remove blocked and muted accounts.

search settings

From Android

For searches on Android we must enter To explore (magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen) and we will receive results from Highlights, Most recent, People, Photos Y Videos.

As happens on the web, we will be able to click on More options and then in Search Settings to leave us Hide content that may hurt some people’s sensibilities Y Remove blocked and muted accounts.

Advanced search

Advanced search is a Twitter service that allows us to allows you to customize the results of a search according to certain parameters, which makes finding the tweet we are looking for much easier. To achieve this we must follow these simple steps:

  • We enter our search in the bar dedicated to it on Twitter.
  • Now we must click on the option Advanced search, which is under Search Filters in the upper-right corner of the results page. We can also enter if we click on More options and then on Advanced search.
  • Now we fill in the fields to refine the search and then click on Look for to make it easier for us to find any tweet.

advanced search Twitter

Refine your search

When we enter the advanced search we get a series of options that we are going to explain what each one consists of and how to get the best out of it.


busuweda avanazada words twitter

In words we can complete several options as follows and in this specific order:

  • Tweets containing all the words in any position (what’s up- it will search for those that contain both words)
  • Those with exact phrases (happy day – in this case it will only show those that have just this phrase)
  • Tweets containing any of the words (cats dogs – will search those tweets with one or the other word or both at the same time).
  • Tweets that exclude specific words (cats dogs – will exclude those that have both words)
  • Those with a specific hashtag (# Thursdays – will only show those with this hashtag)
  • Tweets in a specific language (we can choose the language of the tweets to search).


Advanced search for Twitter accounts

We will specifically search for people in the Advanced Twitter Search:

  • Tweets from a specific account (any Twitter user with the name of your account).
  • Tweets sent as replies to a specific account (those that we have sent to a specific account)
  • Those who mention a specific account (all those that exist and that mention one or more accounts separately or at the same time)


advanced search filters Twitter

  • We can include answers in our searches and at the same time we must mark if we want:
    • Include original tweets and responses.
    • Just show answers.
  • In addition, they can be included or excluded links and within them we will have two options:
    • Include tweets with links.
    • Only show tweets with links.


Advanced search Twitter interaction

In this case, what we are going to take into account is the interaction that the tweets have had.

  • Tweets with minimum of responses.
  • With minimum likes.
  • Tweets with minimum of Retweets.


Here we will search for Tweets sent before a specific date, after a specific date, or within a range of dates.

Twitter commands

We can use the Twitter search commands, both in the normal search that we have on the web or our mobile device, and in several of the parameters within the Advanced Search.

In any of the two official search options that exist, you can manage these commands that give us search parameters that we would not have otherwise and that will be very useful for us to find what we are looking for in a way much more accurate.

These commands are the following:

  • Text: Tweets that contain the words that we indicate (Dog Cat).
  • »«: the exact term will be searched (“Cat Dog”).
  • OR: it will look for all the words that we put (Dogs OR Cats).
  • -: a word will be excluded from the search (Dogs-cats).
  • #: this will search for tweets with the requested hashtag (#dogs)
  • From user: tweets of a specific user (From: ManuNaranjoR)
  • To: user: when we want to see tweets sent to a user (To: ManuNaranjoR)
  • @Username: tweets in which a user is quoted (@ManuNaranjoR)
  • Name without @: We will see tweets that quote that user and the user’s own account (ManuNaranjoR).
  • Near: search term by location (Event near: Madrid)
  • Within: term by location and distance in miles (Event near: Madrid Within: 10m)
  • Since: tweets with end and event from a date (Event since: yyy / mm / dd)
  • Until: same as above, but until a specific date (until event: yyyy / mm / dd).

With everything we have told you, searching on Twitter will be much easier and faster from now on.

The post So you can find any tweet on Twitter appeared first on ADSLZone.