The popularity of Telegram in Spain does not stop growing, having gained millions of users since the beginning of the year due to the WhatsApp crisis. The messaging application also stands out for incorporating a multitude of new functions, such as the possibility of importing chats from WhatsApp, as one of its most recent and most commented functions.
Many users use Telegram as their main messaging application, so they receive a multitude of files in it. There may be files that you don’t want them to be visible in the gallery. Therefore, you can hide the photos that are sent to you in the app in your gallery in a simple way.
Privacy comparison: Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp and FacebookIf you want to determine the privacy of messaging applications, we show a comparison of Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp and Facebook.
Hide Telegram photos from gallery
Sending photos in messaging applications is very common, some photos that normally are saved in the phone gallery automatically. This is something that also happens with an app like Telegram, where you can have the option of having the photos saved in the gallery on your mobile, where a specific folder will be created for the photos in the app. If you want those photos not to be displayed in the gallery, there is a very simple way to avoid this:
- Open Telegram on your phone.
- Click on the top three horizontal stripes.
- Go into Settings.
- Go to Chats.
- It descends towards the end.
- Go to the option called Save to gallery.
- Turn off that switch.
These steps allow the photos that have been sent to you in the application they will not be saved in the gallery on your phone Android. They will not be shown either, which was also what we were looking for in this case, preventing someone from being able to see those photos in the gallery. Of course, if you change your mind, you can always make these photos show / save again in the mobile gallery.
Unlike other messaging applications such as WhatsApp, in Telegram we do not have the possibility of hiding in the gallery only the photos of a specific conversation in the app. If we use the option to hide photos from the gallery, all the photos that we have received in the application on Android will be hidden.
The entry How to prevent Telegram from saving photos in the phone gallery appears first in The Free Android.