This app deserves a good in-depth analysis of all its features and a comparison with what is still the quintessential launcher for mobile devices. It is true that there are many more options, but we must face those who are truly top when it comes to customization options.
Action Launcher, features and benefits
Action Launcher offers as main feature the mentioned “Covers”, a kind of hybrid between folder and shortcut with two operating modes: Play Y Slide. Regarding the first one, this allows us to simply open the main application contained in the folder, while with the second movement, the folder will open. On the other hand, the function “Shutter” allows us create widgets of any application contained in folders, just by sliding your finger. To do this, we touch the icon of any application, and a widget will automatically be created.
We also have other functions in the launcher, called ‘Quick’ functions. These are Quicktheme, that allows you to automatically apply a theme to your main wallpaper; Quickbar, that allows us to customize the Google bar at the top of the screen with shortcuts; Y Quickdrawer, which is basically the box that orders our apps in alphabetical order and where we can also hide the ones we want.
Compatible with Android 10 and iOS 14 functions
One of the most striking features of the arrival of iOS 14 was the introduction of widgets on the home screen. Although it is not an innovation compared to Android, we have been enjoying widgets since Android exists, Apple yes it demonstrated a great design exercise, and even introduced some small innovation.
One of the most striking is the widget stack, being able to place several widgets on the same space and being able to switch between them with a gesture, a feature that we can now also enjoy in Action Launcher. His name is Widget Stack and it can already be enjoyed in the latest beta version of Action Launcher. To test it, just download the version and click on Add Widget and one called Widget Stack. We add it as if it were another widget to our home screen and we would have it ready.
From there, we will have to add the widgets we want by holding down the stack and selecting the button. Add Widget. Once we add them, we will have to move between them by sliding down and up. Widgets that have their own scroll They are also compatible, but we will have to slide in a non-sliding area of the widget itself.
Action Launcher already works perfectly in Android 10, although at the moment this functionality does not seem to be completely polished. For example, you cannot gesture to the right in the main screen to jump to the latest appInstead, you have to make an upward gesture and then press on the desired app; luckily in the Galaxy you can enjoy that gesture.
The same happens with animations and that they are not very coordinated yet between that screen of recent and own launcher. Another novelty is the disappearance of the Google bar and app suggestions, just as you cannot make an upward gesture to show the home page.
Action Launcher vs Nova Launcher
Nova Launcher’s degree of customization is very high and we will be able to transform the desktop to give it a special and almost unique touch. Action Launcher, on the other hand, goes a different way, since it offers a different interaction than Nova Launcher. We have with a gesture from the left side, like Google Launcher, what would be the drawer with all the listed apps. While on the other side, we have another panel that works as a desktop extension, and in which you can add widgets to always have them at hand.
Action Launcher offers, from a widget on the desktop, switch directly to the Pixel Launcher with the app drawer, the folder styles, the new widgets, the round-shaped icons, the ‘app shortcuts’ and the page indicator that are so particular to that launcher. Although here we miss the search button «G», that does Nova have.
On the other hand, they are two launchers that offer a good variety of customizations for the user to look for that experience that identifies him with the way he moves around his phone. It is difficult to decide on one or the other, although if we get a little fussy, the Nova Launcher customization options are better presented; This allows us to preview the options that we are going to change to get a real idea.
However, Action Launcher has been characterized by those gestures in the shortcuts, which allow launching the main widget of the app; the quick panel, which is launched with a side gesture to the right and serves as an extension to the desktop to put widgets; quick access to the list of apps from the right, which is launched with another gesture in the opposite direction to the quick panel; and one permanently positioned Google search bar at the top of the screen.